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$284F: Make MR WACKER run to a given location
Used by command list $DA.
$284F LDA $3F Set bit 1 of the flags byte at $3F: MR WACKER is running continuously.
$2851 ORA #$02
$2853 STA $3F
$2855 JSR $3BE7 Collect the destination x-coordinate from the command list, store it at $A6 and transfer it to X.
$2858 STA $A6
$285A TAX
$285B JSR $3BE7 Collect the destination y-coordinate from the command list, store it at $A7 and transfer it to Y.
$285E STA $A7
$2860 TAY
$2861 JMP $12C7 Make MR WACKER go to the location.
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