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$290F: Deal with ERIC if he's being spoken to by little boy no. 10
Used by the routine at $15B3.
$290F LDA $2B Pick up ERIC's status flags from $2B.
$2911 ASL A Is bit 5 set, indicating that little boy no. 10 is waiting for a response?
$2912 ASL A
$2913 ASL A
$2914 BCC $292E Return if not.
$2916 LDA $4C Pick up the keyboard/joystick reading from $4C and store a copy at $C5.
$2918 STA $C5
$291A LDA #$00 Clear the keyboard/joystick reading at $4C.
$291C STA $4C
$291E LDA $C5 Pick up the keyboard/joystick reading from $C5.
$2920 BEQ $292E Return if no key was pressed.
$2922 AND #$5F Was 'U' pressed?
$2924 CMP #$55
$2926 BNE $292E Return if not.
$2928 LDA $2B Otherwise clear bits 4-6 of ERIC's status flags at $2B: he is free to move again.
$292A AND #$8F
$292C STA $2B
$292E RTS
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