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$3326: Print a play area tile
This corresponds to $610B in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by the routine at $31EA.
($27) Play area x-coordinate
($28) Play area y-coordinate
$3326 JSR $2EE6 Compute the screen bitmap and colour information addresses for the play area tile and place them at $5A and $5C.
This entry point is used by the routine at $2F8C.
$3329 LDA $27 Copy the play area x-coordinate to $52. This is the LSB of the base address from which the play area tile reference and colour information can be found.
$332B STA $52
$332D AND #$60 Keep only bits 5 and 6, shift them into bits 3 and 4, add $67 and store the result ($67, $6F or $77) at $55. This is the MSB of the address of the eighth byte in the skool tile at the given play area coordinates.
$332F LSR A
$3330 LSR A
$3331 CLC
$3332 ADC #$67
$3334 STA $55
$3336 LDA $28 Pick up the play area y-coordinate, add $78 and store the result at $53. This is the MSB of the address at which the play area tile reference and colour information can be found.
$3338 CLC
$3339 ADC #$78
$333B STA $53
$333D LDY #$80 Copy the colour information byte to the screen.
$333F LDA ($52),Y
$3341 LDY #$00
$3343 STA ($5C),Y
$3345 LDA ($52),Y Pick up the skool tile reference and store it at $54. This is the LSB of the address of the skool tile graphic data.
$3347 STA $54
$3349 LDX #$07 Copy the skool tile graphic bytes into the buffer at $4000.
$334B LDA ($54),Y
$334D STA $4000,X
$3350 DEC $55
$3352 DEX
$3353 BPL $334B
The back buffer at $4000 now contains a copy of the skool tile at the given coordinates. Time to superimpose the tiles of any character sprites at the same location.
$3355 STY $50 The vector at $50 will be used to address sprite tile graphic data. Set the LSB to 0 now.
$3357 LDA #$60 Prepare to address the character buffers, starting with little boy no. 1's at $7860.
$3359 STA $52
$335B LDA #$78
$335D STA $53
$335F LDX #$EB X will count the characters.
$3361 LDY #$01 Y=1, pointing at the character's x-coordinate.
$3363 LDA $27 Pick up the play area x-coordinate from $27.
$3365 SEC Subtract the character's x-coordinate.
$3366 SBC ($52),Y
$3368 CMP #$03 Is the result less than 3?
$336A BCS $33B0 Branch if not.
$336C ASL A Multiply by 4 and store the result (0, 4, 8) at $55. This indicates the column (left, middle, right) of the character's sprite that aligns with the play area x-coordinate.
$336D ASL A
$336E STA $55
$3370 LDA $28 Pick up the play area y-coordinate from $28.
$3372 INY Y=2, pointing at the character's y-coordinate.
$3373 SEC Subtract the character's y-coordinate from the play area y-coordinate.
$3374 SBC ($52),Y
$3376 CMP #$04 Is the result less than 4?
$3378 BCS $33B0 Branch if not.
$337A ADC $55 Add this y-coordinate difference (0, 1, 2, 3) and $8D to $55 to get the MSB of the relevant animatory state tile reference.
$337C ADC #$8D
$337E STA $55
$3380 LDY #$00 Y=0, pointing at the character's animatory state.
$3382 LDA ($52),Y Pick up the character's animatory state and store it at $54. This is the LSB of the address of the animatory state tile reference.
$3384 STA $54
$3386 LDA ($54),Y Pick up a tile reference for the character's animatory state.
$3388 BEQ $33B0 Branch if it's zero (the blank tile).
$338A TAY Transfer the tile reference to Y.
$338B TXA Save the character counter temporarily.
$338C PHA
$338D LDA #$A8 The sprite graphic data for the boys and the catapult pellet is in pages $99-$A8.
$338F CPX #$F6 Are we still dealing with little boys 1-11?
$3391 BCC $3399 Branch if so.
$3393 CPX #$FA Are we dealing with a teacher?
$3395 BCS $3399 Branch if not.
$3397 LDA #$B8 The sprite graphic data for the teachers is in pages $A9-$B8.
$3399 STA $51 Set the MSB of the sprite tile graphic data address at $51.
$339B LDX #$07 X will count the bytes in sprite tile.
$339D LDA ($50),Y Modify a byte of the tile in the back buffer at $4000 by superimposing a sprite tile byte (using a mask).
$339F AND $4000,X
$33A2 DEC $51
$33A4 ORA ($50),Y
$33A6 STA $4000,X
$33A9 DEC $51 Point at the next sprite tile mask byte.
$33AB DEX Have we superimposed the entire sprite tile yet?
$33AC BPL $339D Branch back if not.
$33AE PLA Restore the character counter to X.
$33B0 INC $53 Next character buffer.
$33B2 INX Have we checked every character yet?
$33B3 BNE $3361 Branch back if not.
The tile in the back buffer at $4000 now consists of the skool tile with all relevant sprite tiles superimposed.
$33B5 LDY #$07 Copy the tile from the back buffer to the screen.
$33B7 LDA ($5E),Y
$33B9 STA ($5A),Y
$33BC BPL $33B7
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