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$365C: Move ERIC midstride
Used by the routines at $34B5, $350B and $3558.
$365C JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location.
$365F LDA $FB Adjust ERIC's y-coordinate at $FB (by the increment previously stored at $10) if he's going up a staircase.
$3661 CLC
$3662 ADC $10
$3664 STA $FB
$3666 INC $26 Increment ERIC's animatory state.
$3668 JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's new animatory state and location.
$366B LDA $C5 Pick up the keyboard/joystick reading from $C5.
$366D CMP #$C0 Is it a joystick left/right/up/down reading?
$366F BCS $3676 Branch if so.
$3671 LDA #$06 A=6 (slow).
$3673 JMP $3678 Jump forward.
$3676 LDA #$02 A=2 (fast).
$3678 STA $E5 Initialise ERIC's midstride timer at $E5 to 2 (fast) or 6 (slow).
$367A STA $4B Set ERIC's midstride indicator at $4B to a non-zero value.
$367C LDA #$01 Set voice #3 attack length to 2ms and decay length to 24ms.
$367E STA $D413
$3681 LDA #$81 Set voice #3 control register: voice on, attack-decay-sustain cycle; noise enabled.
$3683 STA $D412
$3686 RTS
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