Prev: $365C Up: Map Next: $36E3
$3687: 'S' pressed - sit/stand
This corresponds to $6CAF in the ZX Spectrum version.
Called from the main loop at $0800.
$3687 LDA #$1A Set voice #3 attack length to 8ms and decay length to 1.5s.
$3689 STA $D413
$368C LDA #$81 Set voice #3 control register: voice on, attack-decay-sustain cycle; noise enabled.
$368E STA $D412
$3691 LDA $14 Flip the bits in ERIC's posture indicator at $14.
$3693 EOR #$FF
$3695 STA $14
$3697 BNE $36D6 Branch if ERIC is standing up now.
$3699 JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location.
$369C JSR $1C8E Is ERIC on a staircase?
$369F BCC $36B6 Branch if not.
$36A1 LDA $FC Pick up ERIC's x-coordinate from $FC.
$36A3 CMP #$30 Is ERIC on s staircase on the right side of the skool?
$36A5 BCS $36AC Branch if so.
$36A7 LDA #$85 $85 is the animatory state of ERIC sitting (as on a staircase) facing right.
$36A9 JMP $36AE Jump forward.
$36AC LDA #$05 $05 is the animatory state of ERIC sitting (as on a staircase) facing left.
$36AE STA $26 Update ERIC's animatory state at $26.
$36B0 JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's new animatory state.
$36B3 JMP $36E2 Return.
$36B6 LDA $12 Pick up ERIC's location indicator from $12.
$36B8 BEQ $36C7 Branch if ERIC's on the bottom floor.
$36BA LDA $26 Pick up ERIC's animatory state from $26.
$36BC ASL A Is ERIC facing right?
$36BD BCS $36C7 Branch if so.
$36BF JSR $1A51 Is ERIC beside a chair?
$36C2 BNE $36C7 Branch if not.
$36C4 JMP $1C59 Sit ERIC in the chair, knocking any current occupant to the floor.
$36C7 LDA $26 Set ERIC's animatory state at $26 to $06/$86 to make him sit on the floor.
$36C9 AND #$80
$36CC ADC #$06
$36CE STA $26
$36D0 JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's new animatory state.
$36D3 JMP $36E2 Return.
$36D6 JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location.
$36D9 LDA $26 Set ERIC's animatory state at $26 to $00/$80 to make him stand up.
$36DB AND #$80
$36DD STA $26
$36DF JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's new animatory state.
$36E2 RTS
Prev: $365C Up: Map Next: $36E3