Prev: $421C Up: Map Next: $423B
$422B: Command list $B6: Walkabout - ANGELFACE
This corresponds to $FD49 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by ANGELFACE in lessons $F6, $F7, $F8, $F9, $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE and $FF.
$422B .WORD $2865 Put the next address in ANGELFACE's buffer, making him...
$422D .WORD $270D ...hit now and then.
$422F .WORD $105B Go to a random location.
$4231 .WORD $2865 Put the next address in ANGELFACE's buffer, making him...
$4233 .WORD $270D ...hit now and then.
$4235 .WORD $27AB Walk up and down...
$4237 .BYTE $14,$00 ...20 times.
$4239 .WORD $0EB4 Restart the command list.
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