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$4272: Command list $C2: Walkabout - BOY WONDER
This corresponds to $FDDC in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by BOY WONDER in lessons $F7, $FB, $FC, $FD and $FF. Command list $C0 also continues here.
$4272 .WORD $2865 Put the next address in BOY WONDER's buffer, making him...
$4274 .WORD $2CA5 the catapult now and then.
$4276 .WORD $105B Go to a random location.
$4278 .WORD $2865 Put the next address in BOY WONDER's buffer, making him...
$427A .WORD $2CA5 the catapult now and then.
$427C .WORD $27AB Walk up and down...
$427E .BYTE $14,$00 ...20 times.
$4280 .WORD $2865 Put the next address in BOY WONDER's buffer, making him...
$4282 .WORD $2CA5 the catapult now and then.
$4284 .WORD $105B Go to a random location.
$4286 .WORD $2865 Put the next address in BOY WONDER's buffer, making him...
$4288 .WORD $2CA5 the catapult now and then.
$428A .WORD $27AB Walk up and down...
$428C .BYTE $14,$00 ...20 times.
$428E .WORD $0EB4 Restart the command list.
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