Prev: $927F Up: Map Next: $92FF
$92E8: Move sprites #0-#6 left by 64 pixels (3)
Used by the routine at $91E8.
X Bit 8 of the sprites' x-coordinates
$92E8 LDA $D000 Subtract 64 from the x-coordinate (bits 0-7) of sprite #0, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 or #6. The operands of the LDA and STA instructions here are modified by the routine at $91E8.
$92EC SBC #$40
$92EE STA $D000
$92F1 BCS $92F7 Branch if the result is less than 0.
$92F3 TXA Clear bit 7 of X. This clears the record of bit 8 of the same sprite's x-coordinate.
$92F4 AND #$7F
$92F6 TAX
$92F7 TXA Transfer bit 8 of the sprites' x-coordinates to A.
$92F8 CLC Rotate A left, including bit 7 into bit 0.
$92F9 ROL A
$92FA ADC #$00
$92FC JMP $91EB Point at the next sprite before returning to this routine.
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