Prev: F51C Up: Map Next: F533
F51E: Check whether ERIC has jumped up to the safe or a shield (1)
Used by the routine at F533.
F51E CALL $6214 Update the SRB for ERIC's current location
F521 INC A A=ERIC's next animatory state
F522 DEC D Get the coordinates of the spot above ERIC in BC
F523 LD B,D
F524 LD C,E
F525 BIT 7,A Is ERIC facing left?
F527 JR Z,$F52B Jump if so
F529 INC C Add 2 to the x-coordinate in C if ERIC is facing right
F52B PUSH BC Store the coordinates of ERIC's hand
F52C CALL $61B0 Update ERIC's animatory state and location and update the SRB
F52F POP DE Restore the coordinates of ERIC's hand to DE
F530 JP $F726
Prev: F51C Up: Map Next: F533