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62750: Check whether ERIC has jumped up to the safe or a shield (1)
Used by the routine at 62771.
H 172 (ERIC)
62750 CALL 25108 Update the SRB for ERIC's current location
62753 INC A A=ERIC's next animatory state
62754 DEC D Get the coordinates of the spot above ERIC in BC
62755 LD B,D
62756 LD C,E
62757 BIT 7,A Is ERIC facing left?
62759 JR Z,62763 Jump if so
62761 INC C Add 2 to the x-coordinate in C if ERIC is facing right
62762 INC C
62763 PUSH BC Store the coordinates of ERIC's hand
62764 CALL 25008 Update ERIC's animatory state and location and update the SRB
62767 POP DE Restore the coordinates of ERIC's hand to DE
62768 JP 63270
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