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29518: Print the speech bubble
Used by the routine at 31110. Returns with the carry flag set if the character about to speak is off-screen. Returns with the zero flag reset if somebody else is speaking at the moment.
H Number of the character about to speak (152-169)
29518 LD A,(32512) A=leftmost column of the skool on screen (0-64)
29521 LD B,A
29522 LD L,98 Byte 98 of a character's buffer holds his x-coordinate
29524 LD A,(HL) Pick this up in A
29525 INC A Return with the carry flag set if the character is off-screen to the left
29526 LD E,A
29527 SUB B
29528 RET C
29529 CP 32 Return with the carry flag set if the character is off-screen to the right
29531 CCF
29532 RET C
29533 LD C,A C=screen x-coordinate (0-31) of the spot above the character's head (where the speech bubble lip will be)
29534 LD A,(32613) A=current speech bubble lip x-coordinate (if any)
29537 AND A Is somebody else speaking at the moment?
29538 RET NZ Return with the zero flag reset if so
The character is on-screen and no one else is speaking at the moment.
29539 LD L,96
29541 LD A,H A=character number (152-169)
29542 INC L L=97
29543 CP 167 Set the carry flag unless EINSTEIN is the speaker
29545 SBC A,A A=0 if EINSTEIN is speaking, 255 otherwise
29546 ADD A,(HL) D=y if EINSTEIN is speaking, y-1 otherwise (where y is the speaker's y-coordinate)
29547 LD D,A
29548 LD (32612),DE Store the speech bubble lip coordinates at 32612
29552 SUB 152 Get the attribute file address of the speech bubble lip in BC
29554 RRCA
29555 RRCA
29556 RRCA
29557 LD B,A
29558 AND 224
29560 ADD A,C
29561 LD C,A
29562 LD A,B
29563 AND 3
29565 ADD A,88
29567 LD B,A
29568 LD A,(DE) A=UDG reference of the character square under the speech bubble lip
29569 LD (32614),A Store this in 32614
29572 LD A,239 239=UDG reference for the speech bubble lip
29574 LD (DE),A Replace the skool UDG with the speech bubble lip UDG
29575 SET 7,E Pick up the skool attribute byte of the character square under the speech bubble lip and store it in 32615
29577 LD A,(DE)
29578 LD (32615),A
29581 LD A,56 56=PAPER 7: INK 0
29583 LD (DE),A Replace the skool attribute byte
29584 LD (BC),A Set the new attribute on-screen
The skool UDG reference and attribute byte for the location of the speech bubble lip have been adjusted. Now for the speech bubble itself.
29585 LD A,E Get the x-coordinate of the left edge of the speech bubble in E
29586 AND 120
29588 LD E,A
29589 DEC D The speech bubble is two character squares high
29590 DEC D
29591 PUSH HL
29592 LD HL,65472 Set HL to the attribute file address for the top-left corner of the speech bubble
29595 ADD HL,BC
29596 LD A,L
29597 AND 248
29599 LD L,A
29600 LD B,8 Fill in the top row of 8 character squares with the speech bubble attribute (56=PAPER 7: INK 0)
29602 LD (HL),56
29604 INC HL
29605 DJNZ 29602
29607 LD C,24 Set HL to the attribute file address for the bottom-left corner of the speech bubble
29609 ADD HL,BC
29610 LD B,8 Fill in the bottom row of 8 character squares with the speech bubble attribute (56=PAPER 7: INK 0)
29612 LD (HL),56
29614 INC L
29615 DJNZ 29612
29617 LD HL,32616 Store the UDG references for the part of the skool that will be overwritten by the top row of the speech bubble at 32616
29620 EX DE,HL
29621 LD A,L
29622 LD C,8
29624 LDIR
29626 LD L,A Replace the 8 UDG references for the part of the skool that will be overwritten by the top row of the speech bubble with the appropriate speech bubble UDG references (240-247)
29627 LD BC,2288
29630 LD (HL),C
29631 INC L
29632 INC C
29633 DJNZ 29630
29635 LD L,A Store the UDG references for the part of the skool that will be overwritten by the bottom row of the speech bubble at 32624
29636 INC H
29637 LD C,8
29639 LDIR
29641 LD L,A Replace the 8 UDG references for the part of the skool that will be overwritten by the bottom row of the speech bubble with the appropriate speech bubble UDG references (248-255)
29642 LD BC,2296
29645 LD (HL),C
29646 INC L
29647 INC C
29648 DJNZ 29645
29650 ADD A,128 Store the 8 attribute bytes for the part of the skool that will be overwritten by the top row of the speech bubble at 32632
29652 LD L,A
29653 LD C,8
29655 DEC H
29656 LDIR
29658 LD L,A Replace the 8 attribute bytes for the part of the skool that will be overwritten by the top row of the speech bubble with the appropriate speech bubble attribute byte (C=56=PAPER 7: INK 0)
29659 LD BC,2104
29662 LD (HL),C
29663 INC L
29664 DJNZ 29662
29666 LD L,A Store the 8 attribute bytes for the part of the skool that will be overwritten by the bottom row of the speech bubble at 32640
29667 LD C,8
29669 INC H
29670 LDIR
29672 LD L,A Replace the 8 attribute bytes for the part of the skool that will be overwritten by the bottom row of the speech bubble with the appropriate speech bubble attribute byte (C=56=PAPER 7: INK 0)
29673 LD BC,2104
29676 LD (HL),C
29677 INC L
29678 DJNZ 29676
29680 LD DE,(32612) Copy the speech bubble lip coordinates from 32612 to DE
29684 CALL 28807 Update the SRB for the lip of speech bubble
29687 CALL 62714 Open the lip of the speech bubble
29690 CALL 29735 Update the SRB for the speech bubble
29693 POP HL
29694 INC A Set the zero flag
29695 RET Return with the zero flag set to indicate success
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