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28807: Update the SRB for a blackboard or the speech bubble lip
Used by the routines at 28994, 29160, 29518 and 29746. Updates the screen refresh buffer (SRB) so that the character squares at (E,D) and (E+1,D) are marked dirty. Two character squares in a row are marked dirty to ensure that blackboard contents are properly displayed (characters written on a blackboard may cross character square boundaries).
D Skool y-coordinate
E Skool x-coordinate
28807 LD A,(32512) A=X: leftmost column of the skool on screen (0-64)
28810 SUB 2 Return unless X-1<=E<=X+31 (i.e. unless the coordinates in DE correspond to a skool location that is currently on-screen or just off to the left)
28812 JR C,28816
28814 CP E
28815 RET NC
28816 ADD A,33
28818 CP E
28819 RET C
28820 PUSH DE Store the skool coordinates
28821 SUB 32 A=E-X (-1, 0-31)
28823 CPL
28824 ADD A,E
28825 BIT 7,A Are the coordinates in DE on-screen?
28827 JR Z,28830 Jump if so
28829 INC A A=0
28830 RLCA A=8x (x=0-31, the screen x-coordinate)
28831 RLCA
28832 RLCA
28833 LD E,A Save this value in E briefly
28834 AND 56 Modify the SET m,(HL) instruction at 28857 below
28836 ADD A,198
28838 LD (28858),A
28841 LD A,E Point HL at the appropriate byte in the screen refresh buffer
28842 RLCA
28843 RLCA
28844 AND 3
28846 LD E,A
28847 LD A,D
28848 SUB 149
28850 ADD A,A
28851 ADD A,A
28852 ADD A,E
28853 LD E,A
28854 LD D,127
28856 EX DE,HL
28857 SET 0,(HL) Set the appropriate bit in the SRB byte; this instruction is modified earlier in this routine to set the required bit
28859 LD A,(28858)
28862 ADD A,8 Was m=7?
28864 JR NC,28874 Jump if not
28866 INC L Move to the next SRB byte
28867 LD A,L A will be 0 if we wrapped round to the next row of the screen
28868 AND 3
28870 LD A,198 198 will set n=0
28872 JR Z,28879 Jump if we wrapped round to the next row
28874 LD (28878),A Modify the SET n,(HL) instruction below so that n=m+1 mod 8
28877 SET 0,(HL) Set the appropriate bit in the SRB byte; this instruction is modified immediately before execution to set the required bit
28879 EX DE,HL
28880 POP DE Restore the skool coordinates to DE
28881 RET
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