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29746: Remove the speech bubble
Used by the routines at 31130 and 32470.
H Number of the character who is speaking (152-169)
29746 PUSH HL Save the character number
29747 CALL 29394 Is the speech bubble off-screen?
29750 JR C,29815 Jump if so
29752 CALL 29735 Update the SRB for the part of the screen hidden by the speech bubble
First, restore the original attribute bytes for the area of the screen occupied by the speech bubble.
29755 LD DE,(32612) Copy the speech bubble lip coordinates from 32612 to DE
29759 CALL 28807 Update the SRB for the part of the screen hidden by the lip
29762 LD HL,32512 32512 holds the leftmost column of the skool on screen (0-64)
29765 LD A,E E=screen x-coordinate of the speech bubble lip (0-31)
29766 SUB (HL)
29767 LD E,A
29768 LD A,D A=screen y-coordinate of the speech bubble lip (2-17)
29769 SUB 152
29771 RRCA Set DE to the attribute file address corresponding to the lip of the speech bubble
29772 RRCA
29773 RRCA
29774 LD D,A
29775 AND 224
29777 ADD A,E
29778 LD E,A
29779 LD A,D
29780 AND 3
29782 ADD A,88
29784 LD D,A
29785 LD L,103 Pick up the attribute byte for the part of screen hidden by the speech bubble lip from 32615 and restore it to the attribute file
29787 LD A,(HL)
29788 LD (DE),A
29789 EX DE,HL Point DE at the attribute file address corresponding to the top left corner of the speech bubble
29790 LD BC,65472
29793 ADD HL,BC
29794 LD A,L
29795 AND 248
29797 LD L,A
29798 EX DE,HL
29799 LD BC,8 Restore the attribute bytes of the part of the screen overwritten by the top row of the speech bubble (stored at 32632 by the routine at 29518)
29802 LD L,120
29804 LDIR
29806 LD C,24 Point DE at the attribute file address corresponding to the bottom left corner of the speech bubble
29808 EX DE,HL
29809 ADD HL,BC
29810 EX DE,HL
29811 LD C,8 Restore the attribute bytes of the part of the screen overwritten by the bottom row of the speech bubble (stored at 32640 by the routine at 29518)
29813 LDIR
Next, restore the skool UDG references and attribute bytes for the area of the skool occupied by the speech bubble.
29815 LD DE,(32612) Copy the speech bubble lip coordinates from 32612 to DE
29819 LD HL,32614 Pick up the UDG reference for the part of the skool occupied by the speech bubble lip and restore it
29822 LD A,(HL)
29823 INC L
29824 LD (DE),A
29825 SET 7,E Pick up the attribute byte for the part of the skool occupied by the speech bubble lip and restore it
29827 LD A,(HL)
29828 INC L
29829 LD (DE),A
29830 LD A,E DE=coordinates of the top left corner of the speech bubble
29831 AND 120
29833 DEC D
29834 DEC D
29835 LD E,A
29836 LD BC,8 Restore the UDG references of the part of the skool overwritten by the top row of the speech bubble (stored at 32616 by the routine at 29518)
29839 LDIR
29841 INC D Restore the UDG references of the part of the skool overwritten by the bottom row of the speech bubble (stored at 32624 by the routine at 29518)
29842 LD C,8
29844 LD E,A
29845 LDIR
29847 ADD A,128 Point DE at the skool graphic data attribute byte corresponding to the top-left corner of the speech bubble
29849 LD E,A
29850 DEC D
29851 LD C,8 Restore the attribute bytes of the part of the skool overwritten by the top row of the speech bubble (stored at 32632 by the routine at 29518)
29853 LDIR
29855 INC D Restore the attribute bytes of the part of the skool overwritten by the bottom row of the speech bubble (stored at 32640 by the routine at 29518)
29856 LD C,8
29858 LD E,A
29859 LDIR
Finally, clear the speech bubble lip coordinates (at 32612) to indicate that no one is speaking.
29861 LD (32612),BC Set the speech bubble lip coordinates at to (0,0)
29865 POP HL Restore the speaker's character number to H
29866 XOR A
29867 RET
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