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26276: Check whether Horace has run into a guard
Called from the main loop at 25129.
26276 LD HL,(31853) Pick up Horace's new location.
26279 CALL 27680 Check the attribute bytes at Horace's new location.
26282 CP 59 Has Horace run into a guard?
26284 RET NZ Return if not.
26285 LD HL,(28078) Pick up the guard panic timer.
26288 LD A,H Are the guards panicking at the moment?
26289 OR L
26290 JP Z,26426 Jump if not.
26293 LD HL,(31859) Add 100 to the score (Horace has thrown the guards out of the park).
26296 LD BC,100
26299 ADD HL,BC
26300 LD (31859),HL
26303 CALL 26055 Print the score.
26306 LD HL,0 Reset the guard panic timer.
26309 LD (28078),HL
Now make the 'caught a guard' sound effect.
26312 LD HL,31849 Pick up the sound on/off indicator.
26315 LD C,15 Initialise C for the loop that follows.
26317 PUSH BC Save the loop counter (unnecessarily).
26318 LD A,C Set B and E equal to 8*(15-C). This value determines the pitch.
26319 XOR 15
26321 LD B,A
26322 SLA B
26324 SLA B
26326 SLA B
26328 LD E,B
26329 LD D,8 This value determines the duration.
26331 LD B,E Produce a sound (if the sound on/off indicator is on) with pitch and duration determined by E and D.
26332 LD A,31
26334 AND (HL)
26335 OUT (254),A
26337 LD A,(IX+0)
26340 LD (IX+0),A
26343 DJNZ 26337
26345 LD A,7
26347 OUT (254),A
26349 LD B,E
26350 LD A,(IX+0)
26353 LD (IX+0),A
26356 DJNZ 26350
26358 DEC D
26359 JR NZ,26331
26361 POP BC Restore the loop counter to C (unnecessarily).
26362 DEC C Finished yet?
26363 JR NZ,26317 Jump back if not.
Now we throw the guards out of the park.
26365 LD HL,28070 Point HL at the first guard countdown timer.
26368 LD B,4 There are four guards.
26370 PUSH BC Save the guard counter.
26371 LD A,(HL) Set the zero flag if this guard is already in play.
26372 INC HL
26373 OR (HL)
26374 PUSH HL Save the guard countdown timer pointer.
26375 JR NZ,26421 Jump if this guard has not appeared yet.
26377 CALL 27199 Copy this guard's buffer into the temporary location (28088).
26380 CALL 25960 Redraw the tiles behind the guard.
26383 LD HL,(31853) Pick up Horace's new location.
26386 CALL 27680 Check the attribute bytes at this location.
26389 CP 59 Set the zero flag if there's a guard here. (This instruction is redundant.)
26391 LD HL,(28629) Pick up the entrance location for the current maze.
26394 LD (28088),HL Make this the guard's new location.
26397 LD (28092),HL
26400 CALL 27752 Copy the maze background tiles into the temporary guard buffer.
26403 LD A,1 Initialise the guard's animation frame.
26405 LD (28090),A
26408 LD A,90 Initialise the guard's return delay counter.
26410 LD (28094),A
26413 JR 26418
26415 CALL 26173 Draw the guard (this instruction is never executed).
26418 CALL 27242 Copy the guard's buffer back to the original location.
26421 POP HL Restore the guard countdown timer pointer to HL.
26422 POP BC Restore the guard counter to B.
26423 DJNZ 26370 Jump back to deal with the next guard.
26425 RET
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