Prev: $169B Up: Map Next: $16DF
$16D0: 'J' or 'L' pressed - jump
This corresponds to $F499 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Called from the main loop at $0800.
$16D0 JSR $1C8E Is ERIC on a staircase?
$16D3 BCS $16DE Return if so.
$16D5 LDX #$02 Bit 1 set: ERIC is jumping.
$16D7 LDY #$0C $0C is the animatory state of ERIC with his arm raised.
$16D9 LDA #$10 This will initialise ERIC's action timer at $FE to $10.
$16DB JMP $16B1 Start the jump.
Prev: $169B Up: Map Next: $16DF