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$169B: 'F' or SPACE pressed - fire catapult
This corresponds to $F46E in the ZX Spectrum version.
Called from the main loop at $0800.
$169B LDA #$8B Prepare to address the buffer for ERIC's pellet at $8B60.
$169D STA $4F
$169F LDA #$60
$16A1 STA $4E
$16A3 LDY #$01 Pick up the pellet's x-coordinate.
$16A5 LDA ($4E),Y
$16A7 CMP #$80 Is the pellet already airborne?
$16A9 BCC $16CF Return if so.
$16AB LDX #$01 Bit 0 set (ERIC is firing the catapult).
$16AD LDY #$08 $08 is the animatory state of ERIC raising the catapult.
$16AF LDA #$18 This will initialise the catapult-firing action timer to $18.
This entry point is used by the routines at $16D0 (with A=$10, X=$02 and Y=$0C when ERIC has just jumped), $16DF (with A=$12, X=$04 and Y=$0A when ERIC has just begun to throw a punch) and $19A5 (with A=$0A, X=$08 and Y=$0D when ERIC has just started writing on a blackboard).
$16B1 STA $FE Initialise ERIC's action timer at $FE.
$16B3 LDA $14 Pick up ERIC's posture indicator from $14.
$16B5 BEQ $16CF Return unless ERIC is standing up.
$16B7 STX $2B Update ERIC's status flags at $2B.
$16B9 TYA Transfer ERIC's next animatory state to A.
$16BA PHA Save it temporarily.
$16BB JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state.
$16BE LDA $26 Pick up ERIC's current animatory state from $26 and store it at $D2.
$16C0 STA $D2
$16C2 AND #$80 Clear all but the direction bit (bit 7).
$16C4 STA $26 Save this base animatory state at $26.
$16C6 PLA Restore ERIC's next animatory state to A.
$16C7 CLC Adjust bit 7 according to the direction ERIC's facing.
$16C8 ADC $26
$16CA STA $26 Save the new animatory state with the correct bit 7.
$16CC JSR $322E Update the SRB for ERIC's new animatory state.
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