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$97E8: Make the character who is currently speaking stop speaking (2)
Used by the routine at $96E8.
A LSB of the character's interruptible subcommand routine address
$97E8 CMP #$58 Does the LSB of the character's interruptible subcommand routine address match that of $2458?
$97EA BNE $97F9 Branch if not.
$97EC LDA $006A Pick up the MSB of a character's uninterruptible subcommand routine address. The operand of this instruction is modified by the routine at $96E8.
$97EF CMP #$24 Does the MSB of the character's interruptible subcommand routine address match that of $2458?
$97F1 BNE $97F9 Branch if not (this character is not speaking).
$97F3 LDA #$62 Replace the address of the interruptible subcommand routine in the character's buffer with that of $2462, effectively terminating the subcommand. The operand of the 'STA nnnn' instruction here is modified by the routine at $96E8.
$97F5 STA $0069
$97F8 RTS
$97F9 JMP $96EA Jump back to consider the next character.
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