Prev: $967F Up: Map Next: $96FF
$96E8: Make the character who is currently speaking stop speaking (1)
Used by the routines at $9868 and $98E8.
$96E8 LDY #$80 The character buffer for little boy no. 10 (the only little boy who ever speaks) is in page $81.
This entry point is used by the routine at $97E8.
$96EA INY Point at the next character.
$96EB CPY #$8A Have we reached character buffer for BOY WONDER's pellet yet?
$96ED BNE $96F0 Branch if not.
$96F0 STY $96FB Modify the MSB of the 'LDA nnnn' instruction at $96F9 below.
$96F3 STY $97EE Modify the MSB of the 'LDA nnnn' instruction at $97EC.
$96F6 STY $97F7 Modify the MSB of the 'STA nnnn' instruction at $97F5.
$96F9 LDA $0069 Pick up the LSB of a character's interruptible subcommand routine address. The operand of this instruction is modified above.
$96FC JMP $97E8 Continue at $97E8.
Prev: $967F Up: Map Next: $96FF