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F41F: Deal with ERIC when he's firing the catapult
Used by the routine at 6AD9 when bit 0 of ERIC's status flags at 7FFB is set (by the routine at F46E).
F41F LD HL,$7FF6 7FF6 holds the catapult-firing action timer (initially 0x18)
F422 DEC (HL) Has ERIC finished firing the catapult?
F423 JR NZ,$F434 Jump if not
This entry point is used by the routines at F4A4 and F533 to restore ERIC's animatory state to what it was before he jumped or threw a punch.
F425 XOR A Clear all of ERIC's status flags at 7FFB
F426 LD ($7FFB),A
F42B CALL $6214 Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state
F42E LD L,$66 Restore ERIC's animatory state to what it was before he fired the catapult, jumped, or threw the punch
F430 LD A,(HL)
F431 JP $61B0 Update ERIC's animatory state and location and update the SRB
ERIC hasn't finished firing the catapult. Check which phase of the firing action we're at.
F434 LD A,(HL) Pick up the current value of the action timer in A
F437 CP $12 Is it time to raise the catapult to eye level?
F439 JP Z,$7041 Jump if so
F43C CP $06 Is it time to start lowering the catapult?
F43E JP Z,$706B Jump if so
F441 CP $0C Is it time to launch the pellet?
F443 RET NZ Return if not
It's time to launch the catapult pellet.
F444 LD L,$60 Byte 0x60 of ERIC's buffer holds his animatory state
F446 LD A,(HL) Pick this up in A
F447 OR $7F A=0x7F or 0xFF (catapult pellet)
F449 INC L Pick up ERIC's coordinates in DE; they will be the initial coordinates of the catapult pellet
F44A LD D,(HL)
F44C LD E,(HL)
F44D DEC H H=0xAB (ERIC's catapult pellet)
F44E CALL $7057 Launch the catapult pellet
F451 CALL $FE75 Play the catapult sound effect
F454 LD B,$0D Reprimand message 0x0D: CATAPULTS ARE FORBIDDEN
This entry point is used by the routines at F4A4 (with B=0x0E: DON'T HIT YOUR MATES) and F533 (with B=0x0F: YOU ARE NOT A KANGAROO).
F458 PUSH BC Save the reprimand message identifier
F459 CALL $6E3C Check whether any teachers saw ERIC throw a punch, fire his catapult, or jump
F45C POP BC Restore the reprimand message identifier to B
F45D RET NC Return if ERIC wasn't seen by a teacher
F45F LD L,$61 Byte 0x61 of the teacher's buffer holds his y-coordinate
F461 LD D,(HL) Pick up the coordinates of the teacher who saw ERIC in DE'
F462 INC L
F463 LD E,(HL)
F465 EXX
F466 POP DE Now DE holds the coordinates of the teacher who saw ERIC
F467 LD A,H A=0xAC (ERIC)
F468 JP $7700 Make the teacher give ERIC lines
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