Prev: $09E8 Up: Map Next: $0A57
$09E9: Make a teacher conduct a class
This corresponds to $7DB2 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by command lists $80, $82, $84 and $86.
$09E9 LDA $70 Pick up the lesson descriptor from $70.
$09EB AND #$F0 Keep only ERIC's teacher ID (bits 4-7).
$09ED STA $57 Store this teacher ID at $57.
$09EF LDA $60 Pick up the teacher's character number ($0B-$0E) from $60.
$09F1 SEC Now A holds 0, 1, 2 or 3.
$09F2 SBC #$0B
$09F4 ASL A Shift this teacher identifier into bits 4-7 of A.
$09F5 ASL A
$09F6 ASL A
$09F7 ASL A
$09F8 CMP $57 Are we dealing with ERIC's teacher?
$09FA BNE $09FF Branch if not.
$09FC JMP $0A58 Start the lesson with ERIC.
This teacher is not teaching ERIC.
$09FF LDA $FB Pick up the teacher's y-coordinate from $FB.
$0A01 CMP #$03 Is the teacher on the top floor?
$0A03 BEQ $0A08 Branch if so.
$0A05 JMP $0A0E Jump forward.
$0A08 LDA $FC Pick up the teacher's x-coordinate from $FC.
$0A0A CMP #$3B Is the teacher in the Map Room?
$0A0C BCS $0A3F Branch if so (there's no blackboard in the Map Room).
$0A0E JSR $1F77 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at $16E9 into the teacher's buffer and jump to it. This makes him wipe the blackboard and return here when he's done.
$0A11 .WORD $16E9
$0A13 LDA $FC Pick up the teacher's x-coordinate from $FC.
$0A15 CLC Add 3 to this x-coordinate and store the result at $AC and $AD.
$0A16 ADC #$03
$0A18 STA $AC
$0A1C JSR $1F77 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at $136F into the teacher's buffer and jump to it. This makes him walk to the middle of the blackboard before returning here.
$0A1F .WORD $136F
$0A21 LDA $D41B Generate a random value in A.
$0A24 CMP #$AB Is it less than $AB?
$0A26 BCC $0A3F Branch if so.
$0A28 JSR $1F77 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at $1129 into the teacher's buffer and jump to it. This makes him write on the blackboard and return here when he's done.
$0A2B .WORD $1129
$0A2D LDA $D41B Generate a random value in A.
$0A30 CMP #$A1 Is it less than $A1?
$0A32 BCC $0A3F Branch if so.
$0A36 STA $AD
$0A38 LDA #$D6
$0A3C JMP $0A42 Jump forward.
$0A3F JSR $2500 Prepare a message telling the kids to go to a certain page in their books
$0A42 JSR $1F77 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at $2387 into the teacher's buffer and jump to it. This makes him tell the kids to write an essay or read their books, and then return here.
$0A45 .WORD $2387
$0A47 LDA $FC Pick up the teacher's x-coordinate from $FC.
$0A49 EOR #$03 Flip bits 0 and 1 and store the result at $AC and $AD.
$0A4F JSR $1F77 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at $136F into the teacher's buffer and jump to it. This makes him turn round, walk a few paces and then return here.
$0A52 .WORD $136F
$0A54 JMP $0A47 Jump back to make the teacher turn round and walk another few paces.
Prev: $09E8 Up: Map Next: $0A57