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$1FA0: Make a teacher tell the kids to sit down
This corresponds to $7D84 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by command lists $80, $82, $84 and $86.
$1FA0 LDA $60 Pick up the current character number from $60.
$1FA2 CMP #$0E Is it $0E (MR CREAK)?
$1FA4 BNE $1FD0 Branch if not.
$1FA6 LDA $46 Pick up the game mode indicator from $46.
$1FA8 CMP #$03 Has ERIC opened the safe yet?
$1FAA BCS $1FD0 Branch if not.
$1FAC JSR $1468 Copy the buffer of the blackboard closest to MR CREAK into page 0.
$1FAF LDA $1A Pick up the character number of whoever last wrote on the blackboard.
$1FB1 CMP #$14 Was it ERIC?
$1FB3 BNE $1FD0 Branch if not.
$1FB5 LDA $E2 Pick up the first character written on the blackboard by ERIC.
$1FB7 CMP $94 Does it match the first digit of MR CREAK's year of birth?
$1FB9 BNE $1FD0 Branch if not.
$1FBB LDA $E1 Pick up the second character written on the blackboard by ERIC.
$1FBD CMP $95 Does it match the second digit of MR CREAK's year of birth?
$1FBF BNE $1FD0 Branch if not.
$1FC1 LDA $E0 Pick up the third character written on the blackboard by ERIC.
$1FC3 CMP $96 Does it match the third digit of MR CREAK's year of birth?
$1FC5 BNE $1FD0 Branch if not.
$1FC7 LDA $DF Pick up the fourth character written on the blackboard by ERIC.
$1FC9 CMP $97 Does it match the fourth digit of MR CREAK's year of birth?
$1FCB BNE $1FD0 Branch if not.
$1FCD JSR $1F29 Otherwise make MR CREAK reveal his safe combination letter.
$1FD0 LDA #$00 Remove the address of this primary command routine from the teacher's buffer.
$1FD2 STA $2A
$1FD4 LDA #$5B $5B is the MSB of the teachers' sit down message addresses. Store it at $AD.
$1FD8 LDA $60 Pick up the current character number from $60.
$1FDA CMP #$0C Is it $0C (MR ROCKITT)?
$1FDC BNE $1FE3 Branch if not.
$1FDE LDA #$59 $59 is the LSB of $5B59 (MR ROCKITT's sit down message).
$1FE0 JMP $1FF7 Jump forward.
$1FE3 CMP #$0D Is the current character number $0D (MR WITHIT)?
$1FE5 BNE $1FEC Branch if not.
$1FE7 LDA #$7B $7B is the LSB of $5B7B (MR WITHIT's sit down messaage).
$1FE9 JMP $1FF7 Jump forward.
$1FEC CMP #$0E Is the current character number $0E (MR CREAK)?
$1FEE BNE $1FF5 Branch if not.
$1FF0 LDA #$97 $97 is the LSB of $5B97 (MR CREAK's sit down message).
$1FF2 JMP $1FF7 Jump forward.
$1FF5 LDA #$C1 $C1 is the LSB of $5BC1 (MR WACKER's sit down message).
$1FF7 STA $AC Store the LSB of the address of the teacher's sit down message at $AC.
$1FF9 LDA #$87 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at $2387 into the character's buffer.
$1FFD LDA #$23
$2001 JMP ($00AA) Jump to $2387 to make the teacher start delivering the sit down message.
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