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$3940: Read the keyboard
Used by the interrupt routine at $39C7. This is a modified version of the keyboard reading routine at $EA87 in the C64 ROM.
$3940 LDA $EB Pick up the keyboard delay counter from $EB.
$3942 BEQ $3951 Branch if it's zero (time to read the keyboard).
$3944 CMP #$10 Is the keyboard delay counter less than $10?
$3946 BCC $394C Branch if so.
$3948 LDA #$10 Reset the keyboard delay counter at $EB to $10.
$394A STA $EB
$394C DEC $EB Decrement the keyboard delay counter at $EB.
$394E JMP $39C6 Return.
$3951 LDA #$00 Initialise the modifier key flag at $CA.
$3953 STA $CA
$3955 LDY #$40 Initialise the keyboard indicator at $CB to no key.
$3957 STY $CB
$3959 TAY Initialise the key index in Y to 0.
$395A STA $DC00 Prepare to read the entire keyboard.
$395D LDX $DC01 Pick up a keyboard reading.
$3960 CPX #$FF Was any key pressed?
$3962 BEQ $39C6 Return if not.
$3964 LDA #$00 Prepare to address the standard keyboard table at $5F00.
$3966 STA $CE
$3968 LDA #$5F
$396A STA $CF
$396C LDA #$FE Prepare to read keyboard matrix column 0.
$396E STA $DC00
$3971 LDX #$08 X will count the keyboard rows.
$3973 PHA Save the keyboard column bit mask temporarily.
$3974 LDA $DC01 Pick up a keyboard/joystick reading.
$3977 CMP $DC01 Compare it with itself.
$397A BNE $3974 Branch back to get another reading while it's changing.
$397C LSR A Shift a bit of the keyboard reading into the carry flag.
$397D BCS $3993 Branch if there was no keypress in this row.
$397F PHA Save the remainder of the keyboard reading temporarily.
$3980 LDA ($CE),Y Pick up a character code from the keyboard table at $5F00.
$3982 CMP #$05 Is a control key being pressed?
$3984 BCS $3990 Branch if not.
$3986 CMP #$03 Is the STOP key being pressed?
$3988 BEQ $3990 Branch if so.
$398A ORA $CA Update the modifier key flag at $CA: SHIFT, CTRL or the CBM key is being pressed.
$398C STA $CA
$398E BPL $3992 Skip over the next instruction.
$3990 STY $CB Store the key index at $CB.
$3992 PLA Restore the remainder of the keyboard reading to A.
$3993 INY Increment the key index.
$3994 CPY #$41 Have we read every key yet?
$3996 BCS $39A3 Branch if so.
$3998 DEX Decrement the keyboard row counter.
$3999 BNE $397C Branch back to check the next row.
$399B SEC Set the carry flag to ensure that a set bit is rotated into bit 0 of the mask in A.
$399C PLA Restore the keyboard column bit mask to A.
$399D ROL A Prepare to read the next keyboard matrix column.
$399E STA $DC00
$39A1 BNE $3971 Branch back to get a reading.
$39A3 PLA Drop the keyboard column bit mask from the stack.
$39A4 LDA $CA Pick up the modifier key flag from $CA.
$39A6 CMP #$03 Were the SHIFT and CBM keys being pressed?
$39A8 BEQ $39BC Branch if so to use the standard keyboard table.
$39AA ASL A Shift the modifier key flag left.
$39AB CMP #$08 Was CTRL being pressed?
$39AD BCC $39B1 Branch if not.
$39AF LDA #$06 Select the CTRL keyboard table.
$39B1 TAX Collect the appropriate keyboard table address from $4438 and store it at $CE.
$39B2 LDA $4438,X
$39B5 STA $CE
$39B7 LDA $4439,X
$39BC LDY $CB Pick up an entry from one of the four keyboard tables at $5F00.
$39BE LDA ($CE),Y
$39C0 STA $4C Set the keyboard reading at $4C.
$39C2 LDA #$0F Reset the keyboard delay counter at $EB to $0F.
$39C4 STA $EB
$39C6 RTS
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