Prev: $957F Up: Map Next: $95FF
$95E8: Check the x-coordinate of the leftmost section of the speech bubble (1)
Used by the routines at $9868 and $98E8.
$95E8 LDA $D015 Are any sprites currently enabled?
$95EB BEQ $95FC Branch if not.
$95ED LDY $D004 Pick up the x-coordinate of sprite #2 (bits 0-7).
$95F0 LDA #$00 Disable all sprites.
$95F2 STA $D015
$95F5 LDA $D010 Move bit 8 of sprite #2's x-coordinate into bit 3 of A.
$95F8 ROL A
$95F9 JMP $98FB Set the zero flag if bit 8 of the x-coordinate of sprite #2 is reset.
$95FC PLA Drop the return address from the stack.
Prev: $957F Up: Map Next: $95FF