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27303: Deal with ERIC when he's been knocked over
Used by the routine at 27353 when bit 4 of ERIC's status flags at 32763 is set (by the routine at 28569, 27932 or 27543).
27303 LD HL,32757 32757 holds the delay counter used when ERIC has been knocked over; pick up its value (0-40) in A
27306 LD A,(HL)
27307 AND A Has ERIC just been struck (A=0)?
27308 JR Z,27319 Adjust his animatory state if so (and initialise the delay counter to 40)
27310 DEC (HL) Decrement the knockout delay counter
27311 JP NZ,65111 Make a knocked-out sound effect if ERIC's just been struck
The knockout delay counter at 32757 has reached zero, so ERIC can get up any time now.
27314 LD L,251 HL=32763 (ERIC's status flags)
27316 LD (HL),128 Set bit 7 (indicating that ERIC is sitting or lying down) and reset bit 4 (so that we don't visit this routine again)
27318 RET
ERIC has just been struck; decide whether he should be sitting on the floor or lying on his back, and adjust his animatory state accordingly.
27319 LD (HL),40 Initialise the knockout delay counter at 32757
27321 LD L,233 Set 32745 to 0, indicating that ERIC is not midstride
27323 LD (HL),A
27324 LD L,251 HL=32763 (ERIC's status flags)
27326 LD (HL),144 Set bit 7 (indicating that ERIC is sitting or lying down) and keep bit 4 set (so that we visit this routine again)
27328 LD H,172 172=ERIC
27330 CALL 25108 Update the SRB for ERIC's current location
27333 CP 5 5=animatory state of ERIC sitting on a chair
27335 JR Z,27341 Jump if ERIC's sitting on a chair
27337 AND 128
27339 ADD A,6
27341 INC A A=6 (ERIC sitting on the floor) or 7/135 (ERIC lying on his back)
27342 LD B,A Store ERIC's new animatory state in B temporarily
27343 LD A,D A=ERIC's y-coordinate
27344 CALL 31242 Get the y-coordinate of the floor ERIC's on in D
27347 LD A,B Restore ERIC's new animatory state to A
27348 JP 25008 Update ERIC's animatory state and update the SRB
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