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63668: Adjust the game mode
Used by the routines at 26880 (to prepare the shields and safe for a new game), 28143 (when the last shield has just been flashed or unflashed) and 63270 (when ERIC has opened the safe).
63668 PUSH HL
63669 LD HL,32747 32747 holds the shield counter
63672 LD (HL),15 Restore the shield counter to 15
63674 DEC L HL=32746 (game mode indicator)
63675 INC (HL) A=1 if the game has just started, 2 if the 15th shield was just flashed, 3 if the safe was just opened, or 4 if the 15th shield was just unflashed
63676 LD A,(HL)
63677 LD HL,(32708) HL=score
63680 CP 4 Was the 15th shield just unflashed?
63682 JR NZ,63704 Jump if not
ERIC has just hit the 15th shield and made it unflash.
63684 LD DE,500 Add 5000 to the score and print it
63687 ADD HL,DE
63688 CALL 62705
63691 LD HL,65248 65248='WELL DONE! GO UP A YEAR'
63694 CALL 63919 Print this in the lesson box
63697 LD A,12 Set the MSB of the lesson clock to 12
63699 LD (32760),A
63702 LD A,1 Ensure that the 'DEC A' below sets the zero flag
63704 DEC A Was the 15th shield just flashed or the safe just opened?
63705 JR NZ,63718 Jump if so
Either the game has just started, or the 15th shield was just unflashed.
63707 CALL 63573 Generate a new safe combination code, and a new random birth year for MR CREAK
63710 CALL 63242 Unflash the safe and all the shields
63713 CALL 32400 Play the theme tune
63716 POP HL
63717 RET
ERIC has just hit the 15th shield and made it flash (A=1), or just opened the safe (A=2).
63718 LD DE,100 Add 1000 to the score
63721 ADD HL,DE
63722 DEC A Was the safe just opened?
63723 JR NZ,63726 Jump if so
63725 ADD HL,DE Add 1000 more to the score if the 15th shield was hit
63726 CALL 62705 Print the new score
63729 CALL 32406 Play the 'Got all the shields' tune
63732 POP HL
63733 RET
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