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26471: Main loop
Entered from the routine at 63768.
26471 LD HL,(32759) 32759 holds the lesson clock
26474 DEC HL Decrease it by 1 and set the zero flag if it's time to ring the bell
26475 LD A,H
26476 OR L
26477 LD (32759),HL
26480 CALL Z,26342 Change the lesson if the lesson clock reached zero
26483 CALL 25126 Move the characters
26486 CALL 27353 Move ERIC
26489 JR C,26556 Jump if ERIC has already been dealt with
26491 LD HL,32744 Decrement ERIC's main action timer at 32744
26494 DEC (HL)
26495 JR NZ,26556 Jump unless it's time to deal with ERIC
26497 INC L Pick up the midstride indicator at 32745
26498 LD A,(HL)
26499 AND A Is ERIC midstride?
26500 JR Z,26507 Jump if not
26502 CALL 25856 Move ERIC from the midstride position, then scroll the screen left or right if necessary
26505 JR 26559
Time to check the keyboard (or simulate a keypress in demo mode) to see how ERIC should move next.
26507 DEC L Reset ERIC's main action timer at 32744 to 9
26508 LD (HL),9
26510 CALL 62938 Collect or simulate a keypress
26513 JR Z,26556 Jump if no relevant keypress was collected or simulated
26515 LD HL,32763 32763 holds ERIC's status flags
26518 BIT 5,(HL) Is ERIC writing on a blackboard?
26520 JR Z,26527 Jump if not
26522 CALL 63146 Deal with keypresses while ERIC is writing on the board
26525 JR 26556
26527 INC L DE=32764 (which holds the ASCII code of the last keypress)
26528 EX DE,HL
26529 CP 32 Was the keypress ASCII code >= 32?
26531 JR C,26556 Jump if not
26533 LD HL,26556 Push the address of the entry point at 26556 (see below) onto the stack
26536 PUSH HL
26537 LD L,A Point HL at the appropriate entry in the keypress offset table
26538 LD H,104
26540 LD L,(HL)
26541 LDI Copy the ASCII code of the keypress into 32764
26543 LD E,(HL) Pick up in DE the address of the appropriate routine for dealing with the keypress
26544 INC L
26545 LD D,(HL)
26546 PUSH DE Push this address onto the stack
26547 LD HL,44128 Point HL at byte 96 of ERIC's buffer
26550 LD B,(HL) Pick up ERIC's animatory state in B and his coordinates in DE
26551 INC L
26552 LD D,(HL)
26553 INC L
26554 LD E,(HL)
26555 RET Make an indirect jump to the appropriate routine for dealing with ERIC, then return to 26556 below
Now that ERIC has been moved or otherwise dealt with, update the display.
26556 CALL 27026 Update the display
The next section of code ensures that we don't pass through the main loop more than once every 20 milliseconds.
26559 LD HL,32762 Wait until the system variable FRAMES at 23672 has been incremented since the last time it was checked (FRAMES is incremented every 20ms)
26562 LD A,(23672)
26565 CP (HL)
26566 JR Z,26562
26568 LD (HL),A
26569 JP 26471 Jump back to the beginning of the main loop
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