Address Description
Main loop
Make a teacher conduct a class
Do nothing
Make a teacher conduct a class with ERIC
Check whether ERIC and EINSTEIN are in class
Compute the coordinate ranges within which a character can see or be seen
Adjust the lesson length if a character is looking for ERIC
Make a character track down ERIC
Check whether a character is within a coordinate range
Get the identifier for ERIC's location
Prepare message box sprite graphic data from the text graphic buffer
Make a teacher perform dinner duty
Check whether a boy can be seen by a teacher
Restart the command list
Restart the command list unless it's time to start the lesson
Make a teacher give lines to the closest main kid
Control the horizontal flight of a catapult pellet
Control the vertical flight of a catapult pellet
Make a character go to a random location
Get the next character of a message being spoken or written
Make a character write on a blackboard
Write a single character on a blackboard
Get the play area region identifier for a given location
Get the address of a skool tile corresponding to a blackboard character cell
Make a character go to a location
Guide a character to an intermediate destination
Determine the address of a blackboard buffer
Guide a character up or down a staircase
Copy a blackboard buffer into page 0
Restore a blackboard buffer from page 0
Get the identifier and coordinates of the blackboard closest to a character
Make any nearby teacher give ERIC lines if necessary
Deal with ERIC
Check whether ERIC is standing on a boy
'F' or SPACE pressed - fire catapult
'J' or 'L' pressed - jump
'H' pressed - hit
Make a teacher wipe a blackboard
Check whether ERIC has jumped up to the safe or a shield
Deal with ERIC when he's hitting
Deal with ERIC when he's writing on a blackboard
Deal with ERIC when he's jumping
Deal with ERIC when he's firing the catapult
Wipe a blackboard character cell clean
'W' pressed - write
Make a character walk up and down until a certain time
Check whether a character is beside a chair
Determine the next move of a character following another character
Check whether a chair is occupied and unseat any occupant
Knock the current occupant (if any) out of a chair
Check whether a character is on a staircase
Deal with a character who's been dethroned (1)
Deal with a character who's been dethroned (2)
Deal with a character who is looking for a seat
Make a character find a seat
Terminate an interruptible subcommand
Terminate a primary command
Terminate an uninterruptible subcommand
Add to the score and print it
Add to ERIC's lines total and print it
Make a teacher give lines
Get ERIC's coordinates
Make EINSTEIN speak
Make MR CREAK reveal his safe combination letter
Control EINSTEIN during class
Place an interruptible subcommand routine address into a character's buffer
Make a teacher tell the kids to sit down
Write a message into the text graphic buffer
Print a lines message or safe combination letter above a teacher's head
Insert a pixel column into the text graphic buffer
Clear the text graphic buffer
Centre the text in the text graphic buffer
Insert a font character bitmap into the text graphic buffer
Generate the character codes of the digits of a number
Prepare a question and answer
Make a character speak
Slide a message character into the speech bubble text window
Insert a pixel column into the speech bubble text window
Prepare a message telling the kids to go to a certain page in their books
Generate a random value in a given range
Make a teacher give lines to EINSTEIN or the boy he's telling tales on
Print the lesson
Print the score, lines total or hi-score
Make ANGELFACE throw a punch (1)
Make ANGELFACE throw a punch (2)
Make ANGELFACE finish punching or BOY WONDER finish firing his catapult
Check whether ANGELFACE is touching ERIC
Make ANGELFACE hit now and then
Deal with a teacher who has found the truant ERIC
Make a teacher tell ERIC to go home, and end the game
Make MR WACKER give ERIC 2000 lines
Make the stampede leader trip people up on the way to a random location
Make a character walk up and down a few times or until a certain time
Check whether anyone was or can be punched by ERIC or ANGELFACE
Make MR WACKER run to a given location
Place a continual subcommand routine address into a character's buffer
Make a little boy trip people up
Make a little boy find and follow little boy no. 1
Make BOY WONDER write on a blackboard
Make little boy no. 10 give ERIC a message
Deal with ERIC if he's being spoken to by little boy no. 10
Generate a safe combination code
Make a stricken teacher reveal his safe combination letter
Check whether a character has been hit by a pellet or a stampeding boy
Deal with a character who has been knocked over
Make a character find ERIC
Set MR CREAK's birth year
Raise the signal for a certain event and move to the next command
Lower the signal for a certain event and move to the next command
Make BOY WONDER fire his catapult (1)
Make BOY WONDER fire his catapult (2)
Make BOY WONDER fire his catapult (3)
Make BOY WONDER fire his catapult (4)
Check whether a shield has been hit or jumped up to
Make BOY WONDER fire his catapult now and then
Initialise interrupts, screen memory and page 0
Page out the KERNAL ROM at $E000-$FFFF
Set pointers to screen bitmap and colour information
Set standard bitmap mode
Initialise the game status buffer
Clear the screen
Initialise colour information
Clear page 0
Prepare for a new game or demo mode
Get the screen bitmap and colour information addresses for a play area tile
Draw the Skool Daze logo
Draw the score box
Print the play area tiles in a single column of the screen
Move a column of screen tiles left or right
Bring the skool (or a blank screen) into view
Initialise voice #3
Initialise speech bubble sprites
Shift the play area window left
Shift the play area window right
Raise the signal for an event
Lower the signal for an event
Check whether a signal has been raised
Pause briefly
Update the display
Update the SRB for a character's current animatory state and location
Copy a character buffer into page 0
Print a play area tile
Restore a character buffer from page 0
'A' pressed - down
'Q' pressed - up
'O' pressed - left
'P' pressed - right
Move ERIC from the midstride position
Turn ERIC round
Move ERIC midstride
'S' pressed - sit/stand
Update the SRB for a single character cell
Set up sprites #1-#5
Prepare sprites #0-#6 for the speech bubble with the lip on the left
Prepare sprites #0-#6 for the speech bubble with the lip on the right
Copy the text graphic buffer to the screen
Back up sprite information
Restore sprite information
Clear all the signal flags
Read the keyboard
Interrupt routine
Update colour information for the safe or a flashing shield
Move the next character
Change the lesson
Select a special PLAYTIME occasionally
Move the current character
Collect the next byte from a command list
Wipe a character's name
Move sprites #0-#6 left by 64 pixels (2)
Move sprites #0-#6 left by 64 pixels (3)
Move sprites #0-#6 right by 64 pixels (2)
Move sprites #0-#6 right by 64 pixels (3)
Check the x-coordinate of the leftmost section of the speech bubble (1)
Make the character who is currently speaking stop speaking (1)
Make the character who is currently speaking stop speaking (2)
Move sprites #0-#6 right by 64 pixels (1)
Enable sprites #0-#6
Move sprites #0-#6 left by 64 pixels (1)
Check the x-coordinate of the leftmost section of the speech bubble (2)
Initialise voices #1, #2 and #3 for the theme tune
Initialise voices #1, #2 and #3 for the 'Got all shields' tune
Play the theme tune
Play the 'Got all shields' tune
Initialise the tune buffer
Collect a byte from a tune data table
Tune-playing interrupt routine
Manage sound effects
Change the characters' names if required
Write a message into the text graphic buffer and centre it